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Staff Directory

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Amber Alford

High School

Jason Anderson

Director for Fine Arts and Bands
High School

Jennifer Armacost

Aide Inclusion
High School

Maesey Arnett

Teacher Band
High School

Brandy Atnip

Administrative Assistant - Counseling Office
High School

Connie Baxter

Teacher Special Education
High School

Jeffrey Bennett

Teacher Special Education/Coach
High School

Emma Benson

Teacher History
High School

Brenda Berres

Teacher ELA
High School

Erin Bertrand

Aide Intense Intervention
High School

Kristi Bourque

Teacher CTE
High School

Molly Brinkley

Lumberton High School Counseling, High School

Mariela Briones

Teacher LOTE
High School

Wesley Burkhalter

Teacher BEAM Special Education
High School

Tara Byars

Coordinator At-Risk
High School

David Catlett

Teacher History
High School

Jenny Chandler

Teacher Special Education
High School

Christina Chauvin

Teacher Special Education
High School

Denisse Cisneros

Teacher LOTE
High School

Amy Cleaver

High School

Rita Coffey

Administrative Assistant - Assistant Principal
High School

Loreen Cole

Teacher Science
High School

Kristen Crane

Aide Intense Intervention
High School

Aaron Credeur

Teacher Math
High School

Chasity Dunham

High School

Melissa Eaves

Aide Inclusion
High School

Travis Edgerton

High School

Rupert Ellis

Teacher History
High School

Keely Faulk

Aide Intense Intervention
High School

Dana Flanakin

Teacher Special Education
High School

Sunni Forcier

Teacher Art
High School

Jeffery Fuselier

Teacher CTE
High School

Kayla Gallardo

Teacher History
High School

Joan Garza

Assistant Principal
High School

Kristi Goad

Assistant Principal
High School

Kiethena Godeaux

Teacher Special Education
High School

Mollie Goins

Teacher History
High School

Michelle Green

Teacher Science
High School

Arleen Griffin Parker

Teacher LOTE
High School

Brittany Grissom

Administrative Assistant - Principal
High School

Justin Hale

Teacher BEAM Special Education
High School

Lacy Hall

Teacher CTE
High School

Kelly Hansen

Teacher CTE
High School

Charles Harrell

Teacher CTE
High School

Mona Harrell-Bodle

Assistant Principal
High School

Erica Harvey

Teacher BEAM Special Education
High School

Sommer Harwell

Aide Inclusion
High School

Joleen Hernandez

Teacher LOTE
High School

Jonathon Holland

Teacher Science
High School

Auston Hopson

Teacher Redirection Program
High School

Jason Hopson

Teacher Alternative Education Placement/Coach
High School

Sydni Howland

Teacher Math
High School

Jennifer Isbell

Teacher Special Education
High School

Rachel Jackson

Teacher Math
High School

Kelly James

Teacher CTE
High School

Cassidy Jannise

Teacher Math
High School

Tara Jones

Teacher Special Education
High School

Kelsey Kemp

Teacher CTE
High School

Bonnie Knight

Teacher Science
High School

David Leblanc

Teacher Math
High School

Lindsey Linney

Teacher CTE
High School

Johanna Liska-Wilson

Athletic Trainer
High School

Misty Lovelady

Aide Inclusion
High School

Lauren Lytle

Teacher ELA
High School

Robin Mauer

Administrative Assistant - Athletics
Lumberton High School Athletics, High School

Bradley McBride

Teacher History
High School

Deaundrea Mccartney

High School

Chase McDonald

Director for Athletics
High School

Laura McGahen

Aide Intense Intervention
High School

Cole Mckinstry

Teacher CTE
High School

Kimberly McKinstry

Teacher CTE
High School

Joshua Mitchell

Teacher Alternative Learning Program/Coach
High School

Laura Mitchell

High School

Ana Moering

Teacher ELA
High School

Curtis Moreland

Teacher Science
High School

Jason Morgan

Assistant Principal
Lumberton High School, High School

Kolby Morgan

Teacher Special Education
High School

Kalyn Moseley

Teacher History
High School

Vicki Mouton

Director for CTE
Lumberton High School, High School

Savanna Munson

Teacher Science
High School

Rachelle Myers

Teacher CTE
High School

Travis Odom

Athletic Trainer
High School

Mia Ortiz

Teacher Math
High School

Christopher Paine

Teacher Math
High School

Veronica Pelt

Teacher ELA
High School

Susan Phelps

Administrative Assistant - Band
High School

Theresa Reyes

Teacher PE/Coach
High School

Jessica Rhodes

Teacher CTE
High School

Victoria Rider

Aide Student Success Center
High School

Keith Ruggles

Teacher Band
High School

Christina Sanchez

Teacher History
High School

Meagan Scales

Teacher ELA
High School

Erin Scalisi

Teacher Choir
High School

Rachael Scoggin

Teacher ELA
High School

Deborah Sims

Teacher ELA
High School

Colleen Slaydon

Teacher CTE
High School

Jason Smith

Teacher In School Suspension/Coach
High School

Karen Soukhodolets

Teacher Science
High School

Christopher Spears

Teacher CTE
High School

Julie Spivey

Teacher CTE
High School